Saturday, July 23, 2011

Looking in All the Wrong Places

I came across this article on  I wonder if Mr. Nash has ever visited a public library. 

This reminds me of the time (many, many years ago) when I helping a teacher from our town's special education preschool find books.  She mentioned that they couldn't get anyone to come to the school to read to the children.  They had asked a bookstore (part of a chain) but they couldn't do it.  I took a deep breath and politely said that I could do it (all the while wanting to scream at her - The library!! Why didn't you think of the library?? It's what we do!!!  After all, you use the library so you must know that we exist and are not very far from the school!!).  I ended up doing a monthly storytime for the entire school until the school go its own librarian.

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