
Friday, January 25, 2013

Karen's Valentine's Day Surprise

This story can be told two ways, either as a draw and tell story or as a board story.

Karen’s Valentine’s Day Surprise
Linda Meuse
Notes from the Story Room:

Note: This story can be told two ways. Draw hearts following the placement sequence for a draw and tell story. Use precut heart figures for a board story. Make sure to use material that will allow the figures to stick on top of each other. Another option is to simply glue the figures onto each other with a glue stick.

“Oops,” said Karen. She had been in such a hurry that she had dropped her bag of Valentines and it landed upside down spilling all her valentines onto the floor. (1) She quickly scooped them all up and put them back in the bag. She went downstairs, had her breakfast, and started out the door to catch her bus. Her mom called after her, “Have a good day, Karen. When you get home there will be a special Valentine’s Day surprise waiting for you.” All the way to school, Karen wondered what the surprise could be. She had no idea. When she got to school, Karen had to wait until it was time to give out her valentines. Finally the time came when she could give out valentines to all of her classmates. Not all of the valentines were for her classmates. She had a special one for her teacher. (2) She even had valentines for the school nurse and the school librarian. (3) Then she gave out her valentines to her classmates. (4) Karen got lots of valentines from her friends. (5) Her friend Mary gave her a pretty one that she had made just for Karen. (6) Karen had a great day at school but was happy to go home to see her Valentine’s Day surprise. Can you guess what it was? It was a cute little puppy for Karen to love. She named it Val for it was her own special Valentine.

Drawing/Placement Sequence
(1) Draw/place largest heart upside down.
(2) Draw/place next largest heart on top of the first heart
(3) Draw/place hearts for ears
(4) Draw/place hearts for inside ears and paws
(5) Draw/place hearts for eyes and nose
(6) Draw/place heart for tail

Pattern for Draw and Tell Version

Board Version
(I would use colors with a greater contrast. I'm stuck at home awaiting knee surgery so I had to use what I have at home.)

Template for Heart Figures
(I used "Autoshapes" in Microsoft Publisher to make the hearts.)

This week's Flannel Friday Round-Up is hosted by Sarah of Read It Again! Everything about Flannel Friday can be found here.


  1. Awe! Love the puppy! This is going directly to my "flannelize soon" pile. (very soon) Piper will love this story. Thanks and good luck with the knee surgery. ~ jane

    1. Thank you! Fortunately it's nothing major. I hope your recovery is going well.

  2. I love your draw-and-tells because they are something that I am just not good or experienced with. This is one that I might actually be able to handle!

    1. Hearts are easy to draw and they certainly don't have to be perfect. Doing it as a draw and tell is certainly easier than preparing all the pieces. I practice on scrap paper. Kids don't care how it looks so don't be afraid to give it a try.

  3. Thank you for sharing these draw and tell stories. They are hard to find and a great way to get kids interested in telling stories.

    1. You are welcome! I enjoyed telling them when I was working as a children’s librarian. I’ve been retired for 5 years now. These posts are pretty old and have not been updated, but I wanted to leave them up because they are not easy to find.
